Our Commitment

At Family Care Clinic, we are dedicated to the well-being of our patients.

Personalised Medical care

We understand that every patient is unique, and we tailor our consultation services to meet individual needs.

Medical Check-Up Service

We offer comprehensive medical check-up services to help you monitor and maintain your health.

Medical Expertise and Guidance

Access to professional medical advice and information.

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About Family Care Clinics

Dr. Madhan Mohan Rao founded Family Care Clinic in Kinarut, Sabah, in 2018. Since its inception, the clinic has expanded to over 30 branches across Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia. Our mission is to deliver top-notch healthcare services to individuals from diverse backgrounds, embodying the motto "OUR FAMILY, CARING FOR YOURS."

Family Care Clinic is committed to offering comprehensive and empathetic consultation services to meet the varied healthcare requirements of our patients. Our team comprises skilled healthcare professionals devoted to delivering personalized care and expertise.

Dedicated to the well-being of our patients, Family Care Clinic aims to provide the necessary support, knowledge, and care to help individuals achieve and sustain good health. With 30 clinics operating across Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah, we strive to make quality healthcare accessible to all.

3 Clinics
15 Clinics
33 Clinics

Pre-Employment Medical Examination

Pre-Employment Medical Examination A pre-employment medical examination is a health assessment that ...

Full Blood Screening

Full Blood Screening A full blood screening, also known as a complete blood count (CBC) or a blood ...

General medical Check up

General Medical Check up A general medical check-up, also known as a routine physical examination o ...